Saturday, May 3, 2014


Shipping in Flexitanks
We offer flexitanks as a method of shipping for your liquid nonhazardous cargoes all over the world.
What is Flexitank Shipping?
A flexitank is special equipment for the shipping of liquid nonhazardous cargoes with the help of a standard 20-feet maritime or railway container.
A flexitank is a special soft leakproof capacity with the volume of 14-24 thousand liters. It is produced from plastic and occupies only 0,25 cubic meters when folded.
How Does it Work?
A flexitank is installed into a 20-foot container, either your own or offered by our company. The installation of a flexitank takes place at a container terminal or at a loading area and takes about 20-30 minutes. After that the container is ready for use and you are free to connect a pump to the flexitank and load your liquid cargo. The loading of cargo may take 20-40 minutes depending on the kind of cargo and a pump power. After loading a container with a flexitank and your cargo is ready for shipping. A container may be shipped via any kind of transport: road transport, railway or sea transport. Your cargo will be delivered to any place in the world. At the destination point you will be able to unload you cargo quickly and loss-free, the only thing you will need is a pump. After unloading a flexitank is to be utilized because it is designed for one-time use.
What Can be Shipped?
Flexitanks are designed for almost any nonhazardous liquids, both for industrial and alimentary needs. Here is an incomplete list of goods that can be shipped in a flexitank.
Alimentary products:
  • edible vegetable and tallow oil and fats (liquid and solid)
  • juice concentrates, juice and syrups
  • water, wine, molasses
  • nutrient additives
  • pharmaceutical oil
  • malt
  • sorbitol and etc.
Nonedible products:
  • industrial and smoothing oil
  • industrial improvers and additives
  • artificial resin
  • detergents
  • emulsions, glycerin
  • some kinds of paints, ink
  • fertilizers
  • latex
  • transformer oil
  • alkaloids and etc.
Some liquids tend to density during the process of storage or at low temperatures which can impede the effective unloading of a cargo. For this purpose along with a flexitank we use a heating device installed together with a flexitank which works right before the unloading. Steam and hot water are delivered to a heating device which increases the cargo temperature.
What are the Advantages?
Flexitank is an alternative to such traditional shipping methods as a tank-container, railway and road tankers, barrels and other capacities. What are the advantages of a flexitank compared to the mentioned above methods?
  • A considerate reduction of shipping costs. In comparison with a tank-container you only pay for the one way freight of a normal 20-foot container and you don’t have to pay for its return.
  • You use a flexitank as an inexpensive packing for a cargo. In comparison with barrels and other kinds of capacities you safe more than 30-40%.
  • You safe up to 90% of a loading and unloading time.
  • Flexitank is a one-use container, therefore it doesn’t need washing.
  • You will reduce the possibility of cargo losses during unloading by 10 times. Unloading from a flexitank the losses comprise only 0.1%, while unloading from barrels and other capacities the losses are up to 1%.
  • In comparison to traditional containers, such as barrels and cans, you can ship 30% more cargo.
  • The cargo is shipped "door-to-door" without intermediate reloading.
What are the Warranties?
Flexitanks have been used all over the world for a long period of time. Their design and shipping applicability has been checked by competent organizations. During the process of production flexitanks are exposed to a rigid quality check and certification. Every flexitank goes through a tensile test being exposed to an 8-fold overload. Every flexitank has its own identification number which guaranties the responsibility of its manufacturer.
What Should I Do?
If you need to ship a liquid cargo you should contact us. After discussing the details of your request we will offer you an optimal size of a flexitank and best possible shipping route for your cargo. We can offer a full list of services, from offering you a flexitank to 'house-house' shipping. Everything depends on your requirements.
We would like to collaborate with you and we guarantee that our services will satisfy your requirements.

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